Unpleasant Travel Experiences(cont.) — Chapter 2

2 min readFeb 26, 2021

The Prep

I was super excited and nervous about the upcoming trip despite being very unprepared for it. I was travelling just before Christmas to the UK, going to experience the very cold weather for the very first time in my life. At this time, my sister lived in Scotland and I was on my way to Manchester, a completely different city with no family around me. It was just an eight day trip but it was extra special for me. The only downside to the trip was I was not going to be able to visit with my sister and that sucked big time. I also had no winter clothing or jacket fit for the cold and while I was able to procure one or two thick sweaters, I was hoping I would find a winter jacket at the Manchester Airport, just to help me deal with the cold. The thing was, I was not able to go shopping as I had a business meeting in just under one hour after landing, so there was going to be no time.

I was excited to see a different part of the world that I had only previously seen on television or through my sister’s vivid description over the phone. I was hoping to visit the famous Manchester United Stadium, the Theatre of Dreams even though I was a devoted Arsenal fan. I was also hoping to catch a football match or two there if I was able to procure a ticket for the weekend I was staying. I really was just so excited that it was starting to affect my sleep. My last-minute visa application took two days and had to be fast tracked due to the urgency of the trip. Luckily it worked out, as I was required to travel…




I write passionate pieces about my experiences sharing my point of view and opinions. I also write a little fiction by the side.